Emil Ranzenhofer contributed to the limited publication (150 copies) of the Neue Bilderbogen und Soldatenlieder that was published in Vienna in 1918. This was a patriotic compilation of poems, music, and illustrations to promote the war effort. Emil Ranzenhofer served in the K.u.K. Kriegspressequartier in the Tyrol and in the Bosnia-Montenegro battle areas.
Included were three etchings by Emil Ranzenhofer - photos of which are shown here.
Top: Neue Bilderbogen herausgegeben zu Gunsten der Kriegspatenschaft Bosnien was located on page ten the text.
Middle: Neue Bilderbogen herausgegeben zu Gunsten der Kriegspatenschaft Montenegro was located on page nine of the text.
Bottom: Neue Bilderbogen herausgegeben zu Gunsten der Kriegspatenschaft Tiroler Standschutzen was located on page five of the text.